Friday, July 22, 2011

XO Skins I will never use you again!

So once a upon a time, Adam and I went to the mall to get Invisible Shields by Zagg for our phones. On our way to the store, there was a kiosk for XO skins. We stopped to look. The owner's son explained to us how much better these skins are compared to Invisible Shield by showing us all of these examples of XO skins against other ones. They were more affordable than Invisible Shield, and we were told that they would replace it for free - for life- anytime we had issues with it.

So we came back a week or so after getting it when the air bubbles didn't go down like they were supposed to. They replaced it for free! Awesome!

Then my screen skin started to peel completely off and Adam's screen skin got all bubbly which made it difficult to see and glide easily to text.

We went back yesterday. The person working that day was a teenage boy, not the owners son we had previously worked with. There were no customers, and nobody around. I showed the person my screen and said "I need my screen replaced because it is peeling off and I have a life time warranty." "That will cost $5." "Why? When we bought it the owner's son told us that they will replace it for free for life and we've already had it replaced once for free. Why do we have to pay now?" "Because you do. That's how it works, it is $5." "That doesn't make sense. Plus, I'm really unsatisfied with it because we were going to buy Invisible Shields but the owner's son showed us how these skins last longer, but they aren't holding up like we thought they would." As I showed him how my screen was peeling all the way off and flopping around and how Adam's was all bubbly and sticky. "Well you can either pay the $5 or I can call security to escort you out." "Wow, what? We just want to get the service we were told we would get." "You're embarrassing me in front of my customers! I'm calling security!" Looking around at the barren corridor, "What customers?" As he looks up the number for security Adam and I stand there in awe that this is really happening. He gets them on the phone and Adam and I walk away as he's describing what we're wearing and other features...
We walked a distance away and talked about what we wanted to do. Obviously we couldn't even pay the $5 to have him replace it because he was so paranoid... so we decided to just bite the bullet and buy Invisible Shields. The only problem was that we had to walk right by that kiosk to get there...
So we casually walk by and the kid starts telling us to stop and describing loudly what direction we're walking and stuff. If anybody was embarrassed it was! Everybody at the mall is looking at us as this kid shouts what we look like and stuff. It was like everybody thought we robbed him or something...

We got to Zagg and had the best experience with customer service we've ever had! They gave us a free Invisible Shield in exchange for our crappy XO skins. We were only charged $1 for both skins and a take home install kit! WOW!

So now you know the truth... XO Skins really don't work like they tell you they do. I hope I've saved you from an awful experience with XO Skins. Go to Zagg where they'll treat you right!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Bringing Honey Home

On June 30th I flew to Midland for the last time. :) Of course, my flight was delayed. When isn't United Airlines delayed? After flying on UA 5 times this summer I vow I will never fly UA or Continental or any other airline UA owns, unless it saves me a lot of money.... in that case I will just plan to be stuck in the airport for an extra 3-5 hours.
At first I was contemplating just canceling my flight and not coming because I had a lot of tests to take and it was overwhelming to take 3 huge tests in 3 days when I could just stay home and have the whole week to go to the testing center whenever I wanted. However, I was blessed to take the longest test in one 6 hour period and be done with it. I had the option to take it again if I wanted but I decided to put my faith in my first score and be done with that so I could move onto the other 2 tests. I finished all of my tests and felt pretty good about them, but didn't know if it would be enough for me to pass. Every day my professor updated the highest score because our grades are based on a curve of the highest score. I packed and left to Texas with a prayer in my heart knowing that I gave it my all and it was out of my hands.
While I was in Texas I entertained myself by laying by the pool and reading while Adam was gone knocking doors until 10 pm. I won't lie, I watched TV sometimes. This commercial kept coming on about Sandals Jamaican vacations. Being a marketing major I know a lot of the tricks companies pull to rope people in, but I fell for it anyway! I called and talked to a travel agent from Sandals. We got 65% off (I know that probably isn't true) and a credit of $800 for our flight that was $1400. I consider this a pretty good deal, $600 for both of us to fly to Jamaica, all inclusive hotel on the beach with unlimited meals and drinks (Virgin of course!) and unlimited snorkeling, scuba diving, kayaking, water biking, golfing.... etc. It's going to be a wonderful Christmas for us! We wanted to go on a vacation in December during Adam's break from school but had a pretty small budget... I did overspend on this one but it's ok because we figure once we have kids we won't be able to just leave for a week anytime we feel like it. So we're going out with a BANG before the kiddos come!
Adam hit our goal that week. He accomplished his personal goal of getting more than 2 sales in a day and getting more than 6 sales in a week! Good job honey! I am so thankful to have such a hardworking man who is willing to sacrifice to provide for me and our future family! 
Adam and I left Midland early Sunday (July 3rd) morning. It took us an hour to just get out of Midland heading the right direction. hahaha! Midland is so confusing! It doesn't help that I have only been there once or twice for a day or two and Adam is directionally challenged. lol. We made it out though and had some fun stops along the way.
We arrived home in Utah at 1 am after a 16-17 hour drive. I am so thankful for Adam. He is so sweet to me! I have been so tired lately. I'm not sure what it is, but I can't drive. Even driving in the middle of the day from work in Provo to class at UVU I almost fall asleep at the wheel. It could be 2 pm or 9 pm and I'm falling asleep. Adam drove the majority of the time. I only drove an hour or so at a time and probably only drove 2 hours the whole way! My husband is such a sweet heart and does anything and everything to provide for me. I love him so much!

Picture 1- Area 51 Roswell NM.... Aliens.
Picture 2- Beautiful middle of nowhere leaving Midland
Picture 3- New Mexico

Now he's home and we have promised each other that we will never be apart for that long again!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Metal Container Industry

Today was just one of those days.... I feel so sad, and mad, and stressed, and frustrated, and just emotional. I'm hungry but nothing looks good. So I resorted to eating marshmallow maities for my dinner. Gross.  I will probably wake up in the middle of the night hungry because when I brush my teeth for the night, I don't like to eat anything afterwards. If I eat afterwards then I have to brush my teeth again. I don't want to brush twice! So I would rather try to sleep with a growling tummy than have to brush my teeth twice.
I think I've reached my emotional limit. I keep reminding myself "just 9 more days until I get to see Adam, keep pushing." I'm impressed that 5 weeks has gone by so fast, this week is dragggggggging though. I need Adam and I need him now, not in 9 days!
I had to read a case study for my capstone class that was like 20 pages! Case studies should not be that long. When I know I have to do a case study I usually procrastinate because they are only like 3 pages long max and then I just have 4 questions or so, piece of cake. Of course I left it to the night before and am now feeling overwhelmed with everything I learned about the metal container industry. I don't know what makes that industry attractive even after I read the 20 pages of who knows what. I'm writing this blog instead of writing my paper about this case. I just want to curl up in my bed and wake up with Adam to my side. 

The End. Blah.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Grandma and Grandpa Rice

This Memorial Day we went to Wells Nevada to clean up the graves of my grandpa's family. My family does this every year, but I haven't gone in a while. Although it is never really fun, I think this year's Memorial Day will be one of the most memorable because of the things I learned I from my wonderful family.
We had a family reunion while we were there which was really awkward for me because I don't really know anyone and it's not really my family... These people are my step mom's cousins and aunts/uncles so I don't really know of them and most of them have never even met me. Anyways, while we were there visiting with people we have never met in our entire lives, Kayley and I looked through some genealogy books. We found the biographies for my step mom's parents. How sweet it was to read their loving testimonies of the gospel and family.
I guess I have been ignorant over the years to never really notice it, but as I was there I noticed the sincere love my grandpa has for my grandma. You see, my grandma has dementia. It has gotten worse over the years and we have watched her slowly digress. I must admit though, she has the best sense of humor now. She said the cutest things this weekend. We were eating dinner talking about the time zone changes and she asked "Now are we all in the same place?" haha. Yes, grandma. We are all in the same place right now. While it is sometimes funny, it is often sad and unsettling. They have now moved into an assisted living center. They still have freedom and live on their own, the help is there in case they need it which gives us comfort. She was talking to grandpa's half sister, Marlene, and invited her over for a weekend. Marlene said "I don't think they would let us stay." Grandma: "Who won't let you stay?!" Marlene: "The complex you live at." Grandma: "I don't live at a complex." Marlene: "We would have to sleep on the floor." Grandma: "No you don't, we have two bedrooms. Don't we grandpa, we have two bedrooms still right?" Right then grandpa reassured grandma that it was ok and then winked over at me. He is so sweet to her. His actions speak so loudly of the love he feels for her. This is just a small example, but I couldn't help but get choked up and a little teary eyed. Maybe it's because I'm missing Adam and we've been apart for so long that I'm really not emotionally stable right now, but I got so emotional by watching this loving scene between my grandparents.

I am so grateful to be married to Adam. He is such a loving man. I know that someday when I'm old and lose my mind, he will be right by my side assuring me it's ok.

Do any of you have grandparents who have taught you how to love through their example? I would love to hear some stories.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Missing You

Adam and I have been apart for 20 days but it feels so much longer than that. I find it discouraging to look at the calendar at find only a day has gone by.
I remember in October, after we had been married for only 4 months, he left for a preseason trip for 3 nights and 4 days. I was probably dehydrated from all of tears but I survived. I remember rolling over in the middle of the night to find his side of the bed cold and lonely.
Now I am just used to the lopsidedness of our bed where there is an indent left from my body, only on the left side. I never knew the queen size bed could be so big. 
It's not all bad though. My time is filled to top capacity by working 9 to 5 and then going to school 5 to 8 pm. I leave at 8 am from Riverton to get to work in Provo by 9 and then I usually don't get home at night until 9 pm which is when I have my Adam call. We talk in the morning on my way to work and then again at night before bed.
My struggles tend to rise on the weekends when I'm not jam packed with things to do. Thank goodness for Adam's mom Karla, who plans all sorts of things for me to do. We painted an old rocking chair this week and are going to cover the cushions next weekend. I'll post a picture when I finish.
The distance doesn't seem so hard when Adam gets a sale too. $500-$1500 a day makes this separation bearable I guess. May I inform you though, we're not going through difficult time to have a bunch money that we can blow on meaningless things, we're doing it so that one day we can start a family and give our children the lives they deserve.

Only 37 days left!

Look at how much progress was made in just this week!


I have thought about joining the hype of blogging... and then I got too busy. I still am too busy, but after much persuasion from dear friends like Jeanie, here I am.